I bought myself a new electric bike. We live on a hill, a long and in places steep hill, about a kilometre from the nearest bar (and the boulangerie). Being slightly eco, I prefer not to drive that short distance and go by bike, unless it is raining. Yes, I know a fairweather eco-warrior!
Proud of my new purchase I put a picture on Farceburk.

This posting attracted a comment from my friend (?) Richard Savin. He is the author of some rather good books. Richard’s best seller is the excellent wartime drama that sweeps across Occupied France . “Girl in a Baker’s Van” so when he commented:
“The Nudist on The Butcher’s Bike?”
it made sense. It was also struck me as a challenge.
Several weeks later the plot had jelled in my mind and I started work on a story that turned out to be a much closer approximation to Richards title;
The Boy on a Baker’s Bike.
The story is set during the long summer break after finishing school. When after taking their A-Levels, English teenagers wait nervously for their results to find out if their higher education dreams are going to come true. It is the story of one young man’s working vacation one year during that fuzzy period as the seventies gave way to the eighties.
Read this story to discover the surprises that await our hero that hot summer. Dreams? which dreams? Will any of them come true?
I am delighted that the book will feature original artwork by Rene Gourley. The artist who created the cover image for The Girl with a Ginger Cat
The date of publication is not fixed yet … but I hope it will be on sale around the beginning of November. The details will appear on my author page as soon as everything is finalised.