“Looking forward to winter” … That’s a very strange thing for a naturist to write you might think.
Actually I am already looking forward to the coming summer; the sun, the warmth, the long evenings … Now that is the catch in this modern day and age.
I write on my lap top.
Lets face it copy typing a long hand manuscript is never going to be my forte. The “Typex” (a special white paint that you used to hide mistakes on typewritten pages) bill would be astronomical. I would still have to scan the pages to digitise the output. So I write on my laptop.
When I say write …. I am talking about transferring the silly ideas from my head to an electronic page via the first finger of each hand. Back to the lap top.
The problem with a laptop in summer is I want to be outside in the sun. Outside in the sun is where I get some of my less silly ideas. Sadly because of the bright light I can’t recognise mistakes as I make them on the computer screen. So the arrival of the earlier sunsets of November through to March means I can start transcribing brain waves to a PDF.
I might just get the next Uncovered Policeman story finished by Christmas , then there is another couple of half formulated short stories and vague thoughts for a sixth Rags and Bea adventure.
The Cookery Book … I am the genuine Naked Cook, ask anyone who ate at the Quinta da Horta 2011-13 if I am any good
The Project Management Text Book
and …..
Thank goodness for the longer evenings!