I just finished reading P Z Walker’s science fiction story Mirror Earth.

It was a bit slow to start but once it got going it was a great fun read. I give it 4* (out of 5)
The scenario was quite complex and took a while to set up, hence the slow start but the pace soon picked up.
The story is one of people thrown into an alien environment and how they cope.
Teams of scientists on two Mirror Earth’s are working to prove that parallel universes exist. As a result of an accident or mistake the two teams get thrown into the other universe.
The team from the Earth closer to ours finds itself in place with different wild life, no money and no clothes … How will they cope?
The team from the alien world, can they cope with the crowds, the money driven society and the coverings?
Will they get home again … find out by reading for yourself.
Yes in this case Reading is fun